Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Guy Fawkes Fireworks Art

When Mrs Wallace was visiting our classroom we were lucky enough to create some beautiful fireworks art.  After we'd finished our artwork, we added them to our cardboard boxes that we'd painted black and stacked them up so that they looked like a rocket ship in our classroom.

Here are our instructions:
1.  Use crayon to colour in a whole piece of paper with different colours.
2.  Paint the coloured in paper with black paint.
3.  Use the back of the paintbrush to scratch patterns into the black paint so that the colours show through.
4.  Add some glitter to the paper too.

We really enjoyed adding the glitter, scratching the patterns into the paint, painting the paper and colouring the paper in.

We found it hard to wait for it to dry to scratch our patterns into our paper.

We found it easy to paint the black paint on.

Next time we would add people to our patterns.

There are lots of exciting events that happen at this time of the year.  Some of our favourite things are our Christmas concert, Christmas and Jesus' birthday!
What are yours?